Single Vision Part 1… Seduction
Every seduction is an attempt to lure us away from a single vision. Don’t be a wandering-eyed Christian.
The mind is the battleground but the heart is the target.
When we move away from the simplicity of the gospel, we run the risk of thinking that Jesus is not enough.
Part 3 Why Christians Ask Why
Christians are in the world, but we are not of the world. We are at the same time citizens, and immigrants.
The world is our external environment.
The world tries to conform us to itself, by enticement and by persecution.
We have a problem when we allow worldliness to become our inner condition.
Part 2 Why Christians Ask Why
According to the world. freedom means “I can do whatever I like.” “I obey myself.”
According to God, freedom means, “I can now fully obey God, doing what pleases Him.”
“Freedom is the ability to obey God without constraints.”
Part 1 Why Christians Ask Why
We are disappointed not because God failed to keep His promise, but because…
We misunderstand the promise
We do not know God as well as we should
We expect God to fulfill promises He never made.
Part 2 The Hidden Gospel Message
Sin is not merely a mistake. Sin is an affront to God as creator, owner and lawgiver.
Jesus is the only way to be saved.
It is not enough to believe. We must actually repent.
Repentance begins with a true regret for one’s action. It is godly sorrow for having broken God’s commands.
Trading In Grace
Message preached on Sunday, May 19, at Center for Grief and Wholeness.
Every child of God has been given a measure of grace.
We don’t need to do anything special to be blessed. We just need to find out what is leaking our oil.
God’s grace never fails. It is man who fails of grace.
Part 1 The Hidden Gospel Message
The gospel is hidden not only to unbelievers but sadly also to too many believers.
Even among those who understood the gospel at first, time has caused them to drift away from the truth.
We are called to be faithful to the scriptures, not to the culture.
In a faithless attempt to be culturally-sensitive or to be socially-relevant, many Christians are actually showing that they are ashamed of the gospel.
Apostolic Prayers Part 2
If we stray from apostolic prayers, even when we pray a lot, we will often be praying amiss.
Apostolic Prayers Part 1
Welfare prayers are man’s wish lists. Apostolic prayers are God’s wish list.
Welfare prayers create insular believers, who are limited in their interests. Apostolic prayers make for generous, global-minded, transgenerational believers.
The Prayers of Jesus Before and on the Cross
Man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him.
Prayer develops our relationship with God and demonstrates our trust and dependence upon Him.”
The Lord’s Prayer (The Model Prayer)
When we pray this, we invite God to come and reign.
He gave us free will, and will not impose on us, even though He can.
This is evidence of His loving nature.
Being A True Disciple Part 3
A true disciple is marked by a teachable spirit. The teacher can teach, but the student has to do the learning.
Selfishness is the most unChristlike quality.
True disciples are humble. No task is beneath them.
Being A True Disciple Part 2
A disciple is not one who has been trained until he can do. A disciple is one who has been disciplined until he becomes like His Master.
Jesus is not impressed with followers. He is interested in disciples.
Good Christian leaders are disciple-makers because disciples are never self-made.
Being A True Disciple Part 1
The great need of today is not for better leaders. It is rather for better followers.
Jesus was a good follower, imitator of the Father.
Those who follow Jesus most faithfully make the best leaders. They will often have to swim against cultural currents.
Anchored In The Lord
The hunger in our souls can be satisfied only by God.
If God is not enough, then we must be lusting for the wrong things.
Am I where God wants me to be spiritually, financially, emotionally, etc.
Do Not Ignore The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit teaches us the difference between the good and the godly.
To walk by faith and not by sight is to be led by the Holy Spirit.
A Saint Goes Home
The death of a saint is the saint’s final act of surrender to God’s will.
True prayer is a two-way conversation between a lesser and a greater. The lesser presents his desires to the greater. The greater has the prerogative to grant or to deny the request.
Part 3 The Unknown Joys Of Submitting To The Lordship Of Jesus
To be under the Lordship of Jesus is to be His property and at His disposal.
Following Jesus is different from joining a cult. We are invited to yield to Jesus, not forced.
When we surrender to Jesus, we have everything to gain, and nothing to lose; nothing that matters anyway.
Part 2 The Unknown Joys of Submitting To The Lordship of Jesus
We must come to Him on His term, not on ours.
Jesus Christ is worthy, more so than anybody else in heaven or on earth. This has nothing to do with what He has done for us. Even if He never did nothing for us, He is truly worthy of honor,